Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

2011-05-25, Day 6

Today I'm assigned for a totally different kind of work. One Japanese lady and I are going to help packing care packets. I'm not sure what exactly we have to do, where it is and with whom. But I don't have to wear working clothes which makes it already interesting for me since it seems to become a really sunny day. I'm a little bit concerned about my Japanese skills since the lady can't speak English. My Japanese is enough to communicate in daily situations but is it enough for working? We'll see...

Maybe they forgot about us. The Japanese lady and I are still at the camp. Even though the sun is shining it is getting a little cold right now. Mizue (the group leader) tried to call the person who is supposed to pick us up but he doesn't have connection. It's really a problem to communicate in this area. If you get a signal, the person you want to call might not have one...
The Japanese lady got a small injury on her knee yesterday, so maybe she should go to a doctor just to make sure that it isn't something serious...

We finally left the camp. Nakayama-san tries to find a hospital. I'm not sure if we go there directly or if we go first to the working place. It's nearly 10am and I feel like working. At least it's not cold in the car...
(12:45 We just dropped her of at the hospital and she just came back. She is ok, nothing serious. Yokatta ^^)

It was a good day. We packed sanitary packets for women. The office we went for it was packed with so many boxes and in the middle was a big table. There were three groups of bags to pack depending on the age of the women which were named after flowers. The content of the packets of each flower would change slightly and the color of the ribbon we put on the handle of each bag too. It was not a difficult job and after we divided the work it became routine quite quickly. There were a few things to consider like what color should the wash bag be (I'm sure the 80 years old lady would be as unhappy about a pink bag as the young girl about the brown-orange one) or which part to put first that everything fits even shape and size change but all over it was relaxing to do. Until the part where it becomes so much routine that you are not sure any longer whether you already did something or not. Then you'll have to double check which is quite annoying or you really concentrate on your work which makes it a little bit boring.
At the end of the day I was surprised that I was as exhausted as after working with the group outside just in a different way. My feet were hurting a lot and my back starts to complain right now. But since we didn't have the 4 hour bus trip, we could work nearly 3 hours longer.
Maybe I shouldn't have skipped the onsen today. But I didn't think about the pain, just about that I wasn't dirty and that it would be a chance to save 400¥ (that’s the price with the discount). After all I am still a poor student.
BUT that wasn't all about my day. I had tempura soba for lunch. Some of you might be surprised that this was such a big thing for me but I just said yesterday to Ruben that I so wish I could have soba in a real restaurant (or something else from this region) and that it is a little sad that we are here for 9 days and don't see anything from the area we are in besides the same bus route every day. Of course we are here for working but it would have been nice to have an evening outside of the camp and if it is just for having soba. So I was really happy that I got the chance to at least eat soba.
BUT that was again not the only exciting thing happened. Since we worked so long that we missed the others at the super market and because we decided not to go to onsen, Nakayama-san took us to a temple on a hill from which we had a beautiful view over the area. There are so many rice fields here. For sunrise it must be amazing when the light brakes in all that water... We just stayed a few minutes but it was really cool that Nakayama-san showed us this place. So I can say I did at least a little bit of sight seeing.
I wish there would be a chance that we could ask the driver to bring us all there one evening, it's just a few minutes from the camp. But since he is already so unmotivated to bring us to the onsen, I guess I don't even have to ask :(

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