Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

2011-05-23, Day 4

Tonight was so cold that I couldn't sleep much. I was sitting outside for quite a while and didn't realize how cold I had become and when I got into the sleeping bag there was just not enough energy left to warm it up. Even a second bag didn't help when they are all slightly wet. Yes, that didn't help to get my coughing better. But today is a beautiful sunny day... I'm sure in the middle of the day I'll find the night in better memories when I'm covered in dust and sweat ;)
Just 13 of us are left after the rest of our group left yesterday evening and there will be no new bus coming until Friday. I hope we can still work effectively.

It's strange but now that we are half done with our stay, I wish we could stay longer. It's not like the work is much fun but it's a good feeling to go to bed in the night. I have the feeling it's the first time in my life that I'm doing something meaningful. I know it's ridiculous because we are basically cleaning up but... I really can't describe it. It makes you addicted... And it's difficult to imaging to come back and just continue life like it was before. Maybe it's a typical feeling and I'm really looking forward to talk to the other people who were here before or after...
Ok, but about the day. I think we are used to the system and become a lot more efficient than on the first day. The first half we were working on an area next to the sea which was a parking place before and is supposed to be one in the future again. It was really hard work to deal with all the stones. But they had to go and most are now gone (we just left the tiny ones and the really really big ones). Do you know those old movies when prisoners have to smash stones every day? Breaking them into small pieces... I felt a little bit like one but of course we were doing it because it has to be done. But I had to smile a little bit about this thought, maybe it was just the sun cooking my brain cells ^^
The second half, we spend cleaning up the rest of a house. The owners, (an older couple) and their dog visited us shortly and brought something to drink. Nice people and a cute Dachshund.
The work was interesting since we had to cut some broken trees and wires which we hadn't done (or not that much) before. We didn't have the equipment for such things but there was a team from Fukui which teamed up with us and the work went smooth and quickly. Hope we'll see them again...
Just one dead smelly fish today ;)

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